Swimming Screening Assessment
Swimming is a high demanding sport which requires high degrees of muscle flexibility and joint mobility, particularly through the upper back, shoulders, and hip regions. Along with mobility, swimming requires a substantial amount of shoulder joint stability and general core/trunk stability to maintain positioning in the water to reduce drag and to produce more power. Through our screening process, deficits in mobility, strength and stability can be identified, and recommendations provided to address these deficits in order to enhance the athlete’s performance in the water and prevent injury.
Our swimming screening assessments are completed over a 40-minute in-clinic assessment with our physiotherapist Aaron. The assessment includes careful consideration of the athlete’s current level, training load and pre-existing injury history. Communication and recommendations can be forwarded to your coach which allows easy integration into the swimmers current swimming and training programs.
At Pro Perform Physio, we are passionate about your swimming. So if you have a swimming related injury, or want to improve your swimming efficiency then call us on 9309 3166 or book through our website.